Frederick County, MD

Lawn Care Service Programs

Professional Lawn Care Programs In Central Maryland

At Royal Greens, our results are our security and we never lock our customers into inflexible contracts. Instead, we believe that you should be able to maintain your ability to adjust and adapt and get your dream lawn without being tied down. Once you experience the difference that we can make for you, however, we promise that you’ll want to work with us for years to come!

If only getting that vibrant, green lawn that you’ve always wanted was as easy as watering it and putting down a few seeds. Unfortunately, proper lawn care is a commitment that most of us don’t have the time for. However, when you have a professional lawn care company, like Royal Greens, helping you, you can finally get the lawn you’ve always dreamed of. We offer a variety of lawn care services for the cities in Frederick Country such as:

  • Seasonal fertilization
  • Grub control
  • Broadleaf weed control
  • Crabgrass and Japanese Stiltgrass control
  • Soil pH balancing
  • Liquid Aeration
  • Overseeding
  • many more! 

Royal Greens Lawn Care Solution Plans

Healthy Green Premium

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Our signature Healthy Green Premium includes everything your lawn needs to be healthy year-round: Fertilization, weed control, overseeding, liquid aeration & soil enrichment, pH optimization & maintenance, soil testing & analysis, and more.

Healthy Green+

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Check out our Healthy Green Plus program and receive help on the following lawn care treatments: Fertilization, weed control, liquid aeration & soil enrichment, grub control, pre- and post-emergent Japanese stilt grass, crabgrass, yellow nutsedge control, pH optimization & maintenance, soil testing & analysis.

Healthy Green

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Looking to increase the look of your lawn? Check out our Healthy Green lawn care program! This program treats the following concerns: Fertilization, Weed control, pre-emergent Japanese stilt grass control, crabgrass control, pH optimization & maintenance, soil testing & analysis.

Our Lawn Care Fertilization & Weed Control Services

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Lawn Care


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& Weed Control

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& Overseeding

fungicide applicator



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Lawn Pest


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Flower Bed


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Tree & Shrub
